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C.C. Urie

Multi-Genre Author that uses strong Biblical themes in her work. Dystopian, Fantasy, and Romance are all genres that are commonly seen in C.C.'s portfolio. She stands behind the verses 1 Peter 4:10-11, and is a sucker for a happily ever after.


C.C. Urie's Latest Releases

Check out C.C.'s Divine Courage Trilogy. It's a Dystopian Esther Retelling that focuses on topics such as finding where you belong in the world and making your own family. â€‹

Subscribers can read for free on Kindle Unlimited.


I’m C.C. Urie, a Michigan based Indie Author

I'm inspired by the Bible, books, television, and even staring out the window. God created everything, giving us the chance to find creativity in all that we do. Whether we're writing, singing, painting, baking, or even cleaning, we have the chance to get creative. Come check out my Instagram to see how His creations inspire me

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